Online New Connection Procedure

Don’t panic if you don’t know the online new connection procedure. This article will cover the procedure to register a new MEPCO New Connection.  You can adopt either one of both procedures; fill out the application form and submit it to the MEPCO office or apply online using google, chrome, or any search engine. You can download your MEPCO Bill for a new connection.

New Connection Procedure

Here, a new connection procedure is prescribed in 2 methods.

Online Method- 1st New Connection Procedure

The online new connection procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Fill out the online application form. To do that click here.
  2. For a new connection click on “apply”, and then “select the category type”.
  3. Choose the connection type, fill applicant’s particulars, contact person information, and premises detail.
  4. Upload these attachments (Property document copy, attested CNIC copy of an applicant, attested CNIC copy of the witness, neighbor’s electricity bill copy, wiring contractor’s test report).
  5. Check the terms and conditions (I agree), and apply.

New Connection Procedure Explanation with Pictures

Manual Method- 2nd New Connection Procedure

A new connection procedure can be adopted manually.

Download the application form (English & Urdu). Attach the following documents along with the filled application form and submit to MEPCO Office:

  1. Filled application form (3 copies).
  2. Tariff copies attested by consumer and witnesses (No need of attestation by witnesses in case of single phase connection either commercial or household).
  3. Proof of ownership (Registry, original person, official documents, allotment letter in case of a housing society. All pages must be attested by any gazetted (17th scale) officer).
  4. The undertaking of an applicant that there is no previous connection at the required connection place, and no previous remaining dues. If previous dues are proven consumer will be responsible to pay those dues. (One stamp paper attested by oath commissioner according to the sample paper present in an office).
  5. Permission letter from other owners of property (In case of more than one owner). (One stamp paper attested by oath commissioner according to the sample paper present in an office).
  6. Permission letter from owner in case of rental property. (One stamp paper attested by oath commissioner according to the sample paper present in an office).
  7. Attested photocopies of the CNIC of an applicant.
  8. Attested photocopies of CNIC of witnesses (2 witnesses). (No need in case of single phase connection)

Additional Papers for Commercial Connection

The new connection procedure for commercial connection requires the following additional papers:

  1. Connection based on a company name, power of attorney in case of more than one owner of the company in the uprightness of the applicant that the applicant will be the follower of the application and can make a commitment with any distribution company.
  2. Map of the connection holder place.
  3. Incorporation certificate in case of limited or private company
  4. Complete address and attested copies of CNIC of all the members of the board of directors.
  5. Attested no objection certificate (NOC) from all of the members of the directory at the letter pad of the company.
  6. Issued charge certificate from the Securities and Exchange Commission, the cost of that certificate must be equal to the price of the security.

Additional Papers in Case of Change of Name, Increase or decrease of Load

The new connection procedure to change the name needs the following documents:

  1. Issued clearance certificate from related revenue officer, mentioning the clearance of all dues of the applicant.
  2. Issued wiring test report from the related electric inspector (In the case of an increase or decrease of load).

Category 1 (Upto 15KW)

Here are the steps for Category 1 connection within the required days.

Acceptance of permission letter will be permitted by SDO/ Assistant Manager.

  1. Related MEPCO office will issue the receipt of the submitted form with documents and provide the allotment number to an applicant. In peruse of this application, the office will set up a seniority register as per the application submission date and will provide the access to the applicant. (1 Day)
  2. The related office will inspect the required connection place and decide the rejection or acceptance of the application. In case of rejection of the application, the applicant will be informed about the reasons for the rejection of the application. (3 Days)
  3. In case of acceptance of the application, an applicant will be informed about the required but estimated budget of that connection. (2 Days)
  4. After the approval of the estimated budget (MEPCO Bill Demand notice of estimated budget of connection and security), it will be sent to the applicant via post office or by hand.  (2 Days)
  5. The applicant will pay the dues of connection. He will submit the receipt from the bank to MEPCO Office. (2 Days)
  6. The applicant will also submit the wiring test report that will be approved by the required office. (3 Days)
  7. MEPCO Office will set up the priority list for an applicant as per the application submission date of dues receipt. (1 Day)
  8. The related office will issue the service connection order. (3 Days)
  9. The related office will order the required equipment/items to build the connection. (3 Days)
  10. The related store will issue the required items for connection. (5 Days)
  11. After receiving items for connection, the office of the related SDO/Assistant Manager will build up the connection.  (5 Days)

Total Required Days = 30

Category 2 (Upto 16-70KW/400V)

The steps required for connection 2 are just like the steps required for connection 1. Only there is a difference of days. The days required for this connection are 44 days instead of 30 days. The application will be accepted by EXN or Deputy Manager. The comity members during the installation of connection will be deputy manager operation, M &T, and assistant manager operation.

Category 3 (Upto 71-500KW/400V)

The steps required for the category 3 connection are the same as for previous categories. Only there are small changes like the number of required days 73, comity members, and acceptance or rejection of the application is decided by manager operation.